Frequently Bought Together
اجلس مع كتاب أو خذ قيلولة في الشمس مع كرسي الاستلقاء هذا ، الذي يتميز بظهر قابل للتعديل يتكئ في ستة أوضاع ويوضع بشكل مسطح تمامًا.
حديد دهان اليكتروستاتيك ضد الصدأ مجدول برتان بيور معالج ضد الشمس والمياه
ووتربروف مستورد معالج ضد المياة و العوامل الجوية .
ابعاد الشازلونج : العرض 200 سم – العمق 70 سم – الارتفاع 95 سم
التوصيل: خلال 7-10 ايام عمل
يوجد ضمان لمدة عامين
لون المنتج : رتان ابيض - قماش ازرق
ملحوظة: اقصي وزن يتحمله المنتج 120 كيلو جرام
Oscar Furniture Policies – Terms and Conditions for Custom Orders
At Oscar Furniture, we are committed to meeting our customers' needs and providing flexible options when purchasing our products. Based on our policies regarding returns, shipping, and payment, to learn about the product modification policy click here.
At Oscar Furniture, we are committed to providing high-quality products that last, which is why we offer you care instructions to keep your furniture in the best condition, in addition to a warranty that covers manufacturing defects according to the specified terms. Discover more about the warranty details and how to benefit from it through the following link: Click here.
At Oscar Furniture, we aim to ensure our customers' satisfaction by providing a flexible and fair return policy. Please review the following terms and conditions before submitting a return request: click here.